Event Details

At Guildhall Yard

Friday 5 August 2016 at 18:00 - Thursday 11 August 2016 at 22:00

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On Friday, Pop Up Screens begins a weeklong residency in the Guildhall courtyard. Kicking off with Pulp Fiction, a different film is played every night; special mention must go to Monday's showing of Gladiator which includes a viewing of Guildhall's Roman amphitheatre to help set the mood. Like Maximus it never, ever gets old.

Starting from Friday the screenings are: 

Pulp Fiction

Dirty Dancing 

Romeo + Juliet 


Stand By Me 

Ferris Bueller's Day Off 


Some classics in there so choose wisely, and bring a blanket. 

Adult tickets cost £12, under-10s cost £6. To book visit popupscreens.co.uk

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