Event Details

At Somerset House

Thursday 2 April 2015 at 12:00 - Saturday 4 April 2015 at 23:00

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It's all about Vienna at the moment, what with the 150th anniversary of the Ringstrasse and the 60th Eurovision Song Contest taking place in the city later this year. To celebrate the two Austrian events, the Vienna Tourist Board is bringing a multimedia 360° installation to Somerset House's courtyard.

ViennaSphere, an inflatable projection dome that can accommodate up to 500 people, will be at Somerset House in London from 2 to 4 April. Measuring 22 meters wide and 20 meters at its highest point, the walk-in 360° projection dome will provide an audio-visual feast of a spectacle by Vienna artist collective, Neon Golden.

ViennaSphere takes place between 2-4 April from 12pm-6.30pm, and then 8.15pm-11pm, at Somerset House. 

For more info, visit wien.info

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