I had no intention of becoming a stand-up comedian. My friend James tricked me into it by making me write out a five-minute set ‘just as a writing challenge’. Unbeknownst to me he had booked me a gig for the day after.
I’m glad he did… now.
I remember being disillusioned with my previous job a few years before and my best mate asked me ‘Just have a proper think, what do you want to do with yourself?’ and I shrugged and said ‘Have a laugh?’ and she just rolled her eyes.
So I’m thrilled I found a way to actually do that.
After that very first comedy gig (which went OK, especially with some of the horror stories you hear in Comedy Timing) I didn’t have the confidence to gig again without one of the two friends I’d told about it, so I ended up just not doing it again, and lying to myself that I was OK with that.
That was, until my grandad passed away and I got a couple of grand cash that I decided, sensibly, to use on a travelling trip for ten weeks. I went on sabbatical from my job, and while I was away, I decided that I wasn’t using my brain enough.
I needed to do something to re-energise my creativity and engage my brain. I vowed I was going to do ‘three gigs a month’. I laugh at that now, I’ve got three in the next 24 hours as I write this.

Rebecca Need-Menear
I’ve waitressed in various different places over the years as well as working behind the bar of bars and restaurants – and I always feel like you’re on stage in these sorts of jobs as well.
I worked with a great gang of actors, dancers and general creative people in Ben’s Canteen in Clapham Junction years ago, and we used to have such great craic that a lot of them encouraged me to start writing and performing.
They gave me some of the confidence I needed to actually start, and a lot of them are still performing themselves, which is nice.
I used to rush home from working at Asda in the university holidays to watch Frankie Boyle on Mock The Week every Thursday at 10pm. So years later, getting to open for him at Soho Theatre – about five days before lockdown in 2020 – and then for ten nights in 2023 was incredible.
He’s one of my favourite comedians of all time and a great guy who’s very supportive of newer acts. 10/10. No notes.

Rebecca Need-Menear

Rebecca Need-Menear
A few years ago (and I’m aware how cheesy this sounds) I had a moment where I realised I hadn’t done any freelance work from my old job that month yet I’d still manage to pay my rent. Just on comedy money!
I think that’s the first time I actually started to answer ‘I’m a comedian’ when people asked me what I did for a living.
I don’t think I’m the sort of person who would work well with an agent where they’re not also a friend. My agent Yusef emailed me a few years ago now and said he’d seen a tape of mine and wanted to meet up for a chat.
We got on straight away and he’s been a huge influence on my career since we started working together.
I think it’s so important to have an agent you not only trust and respect but actually like as a person, otherwise you’re not going to get the best out of each other. Even on the rare occasion we don’t agree on something, he usually turns out to be right. (Please don’t show him that last bit.)
Alexandra Haddow's 'Third Party' tour ends with her biggest ever headline show at the Leicester Square Theatre on 28th March, tickets HERE.