What upcoming project(s) are you most excited about?
I'm looking forward to The Sister releasing on Hulu early next year. A four part psychological thriller by Neil Cross, in which I play the role DCI Jackie Hadley. It was set to air around spring in the UK this year, but with lockdown restrictions and complications with completion, it was put on hold. The show finally made its debut on ITV’s RELOADED season this October. If you haven’t seen it yet you can still watch it on ITV hub.
It was such a fantastic job to work on. Like most people, I was already a massive fan of Neil’s work and his hit series Luther, so feel very honoured to be a part of such a great show. The script is fantastic, the cast phenomenal, and I’m now really excited to see what the viewers on the other side of the pond think of this spooky drama!
What is your proudest professional accomplishment?
That’s a tricky one. Honestly each time I get a job I feel pretty overwhelmed. The acting world is such a fierce, uncertain and competitive thing. Constantly learning and submitting auditions, to either be told it hasn’t gone your way, or quite often to not hearing anything at all. The endless rejection is definitely something you have to get used to. So for me landing any role blows my mind. I just feel lucky to be able to work and to have been given the opportunities I have so far.
The sad truth is that I know so many actors who don’t even get the chance to audition, longing to get their foot in the door for just one shot at it. It's such a hard profession to get into and hold on to and I guess for that reason I feel pride in myself for continuing the climb and not giving up.
If you could change one thing about your career, what would it be?
Sometimes, when I watch myself in shows I’ve been in I cringe at the awful choices I made and wish I could go back in time and redo the scene. I think its a common feeling though, I don't think I know one actor who hasn’t ever looked back and hated something they’ve done. My career has had lots of ups and downs, it’s ever changing, always uncertain but so exciting and I love it and looking back on the the path I’ve led, I don't think I’d change a thing.
Outside of your family, who is / was your biggest inspiration?
I’m inspired by different people all the time depending on the time and situation. Right now I'm fascinated by Michaela Coel, who has obviously taken the world by storm with her groundbreaking series How I May Destroy You. The show was out of this world, tackling so many important topics that are hardly ever talked about, let alone put in a TV show. I don't know her personally but I'm inspired by her unashamed openness and truth telling, her bravery and willingness to bare all in her work and in her interviews.
Tell us something nobody knows about you…
I consider myself quite an open person and tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. I’m not very good at keeping my own secrets. Not to say I cant keep others, but my own… no hope. So honestly, I can’t think of anything to tell you that at least one person doesn't already know about me… sorry.

What’s your favourite item of clothing – and what does it mean to you?
I guess my favourite item of clothing would be my oversized Levis denim jacket, that I bought at the Blue Rinse store in Manchester. There’s really nothing special about the jacket, but I love it and wear it almost every day.
I wouldn’t say I understand fashion, have a specific style, or would ever be able to tell you what was 'trending’ this season. But I am passionate about ethical living, and the prevention of more harm to our planet and the people and animals on it.
Over the years I’ve tried my very best not to shop at high street brand shops as I don't want to be a part of the fast fashion industry. I’d be lying if I said I was able to stick to this rule 100% of the time. Sometimes I get invited to events at short notice, so I’ll shop for an right outfit with the limited time I have. But 90% of the time, I choose second hand, vintage or sustainable fashion brands.
Favourite accessory – watch / jewellery / etc – and why is it special to you?
My engagement rings. I have two. We didn’t have much money when we got engaged and my husband proposed to me with a wooden ring that our carpenter friend had made. Its too delicate to wear so it sits proudly in the ring box, on the book shelf in our living room. A few weeks later we went to a ring making workshop with the vision of coming home with two beautiful DIY engagement rings. One each. The night was amazing, the rings not so much! Jewellery design is clearly neither of our strong points but we still wear them every day.
What items do you take on holiday and why?
Gym Kit and trainers. Always. I lack motivation and end up feeling pretty sluggish if I don’t get my daily exercise fix in. For me, morning movement is key to my mental wellbeing. Whether it’s running, HIIT training, yoga or just going for a long walk, I definitely need to connect to my body in some way to keep on top of things for the rest of the day.
Is there an item you threw away – or lost – that you really miss?
I've lost a few phones in my time, which obviously isn’t an an issue as they’re easily replaced. If you have insurance that is. If not…. well…
But the first year me and my now husband were dating I lost a phone, it hadn’t been backed up and I lost all the text messages we’d sent each other that year. I remember feeling so sad about it, like if I couldn’t read the messages, everything we’d text each other wasn’t real….Sounds really stupid now that I think about it, but there you go…
What’s next on your shopping list?
Who Gives A Crap toilet paper. Boring answer but its next on the list. That's about as rock and roll it gets for me these days.
What would you buy if money was no object?
A holiday home! With a swimming pool, only a short walk to the beach. Perhaps somewhere in the south of France, or an island somewhere in Greece… or Thailand. Not to fussy about where, just somewhere warm and tranquil. A place in the heat to reset and escape the London hustle from time to time.
The Sister will air on ITV from 26th October.