Jing Lusi's career is really taking off. No, literally. Her new show, Red Eye, sees her escorting a suspected murderer on a long-haul flight to Beijing. High-up hijinks ensue.
The actress has honed her craft defying stereotypes in front of the camera. Now, she's turning her talents to writing.
Working with the production companies behind some of Britain's best-loved rom coms, and with multiple projects about to take flight, the. trailblazing actress has finally found herself in cruise control.
What upcoming project(s) are you most excited about?
I am so excited for Red Eye to come out! When I first read the script, I couldn’t stop turning the pages and knew it was a show that I would lose sleep bingeing on as a viewer. It’s set on a long-haul flight and I play a Detective escorting a suspected murderer (Richard Armitage) to face questioning in Beijing. However, as deaths start to occur on the flight, my character finds herself embroiled in an escalating conspiracy.
It’s a perfect premise for a thriller – a murder mystery on a plane that isn’t able to land. During filming, everyone working on it, from the actors to producers to crew, had a feeling we were making something quite special. I hope the audience enjoy it as much as we loved making it.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment?
When the first script I ever wrote was bought by Working Title Films. I grew up on their films – Four Weddings, Notting Hill,Bridget Jones, to name just a few. Those films greatly influenced my formative years. I have been writing my whole life – diaries, short stories, attempts at novels, but I properly began writing screenplays in 2016 as I was frustrated at the lack of opportunities for Asian actors.
What began as something to keep me fulfilled during the days of unemployment, soon became a calling. Three years of gruelling rewrites and rejection followed. Until finally in 2019, it landed in the hands of Working Title, the production company that has shaped British cinema. I’ve had some wonderful moments as an actress. But this one is different. I made this out of nothing all by myself.

If you could change one thing about your career, what would it be?
When I first entered the industry as a 21-year-old actress, I was very dejected when my only options seemed to be playing a prostitute, takeaway worker or illegal immigrant. I wished that Asian trailblazers would have already paved the way for me be able to play all kinds of roles. This helpless frustration stayed with me for years.
That all changed when Crazy Rich Asians happened. That film became a watershed moment and changed the landscape for Asian representation. I am sure the same will happen with Red Eye in the UK. So I no longer wish for the trailblazers to pave the way. Instead, I realise I am part of the trailblazing squad. For that, I wouldn’t change a thing.
What do you hope to achieve that you haven’t yet?
I would love to make my own films and TV shows. I’ve got two projects in development; one is a television adaption of an iconic 90s romcom, the other is a film for Film4. I love acting immensely, and I have had some life changing experiences through it. But there is something about creating. To know that this thing didn’t exist before you imagined it and built it.
I’d also love to have my own production company in the future so I can open doors to the people and stories that don’t get heard. I owe my career to those who recognised my voice and gave me opportunities. I really want to pay that forward.
Outside of your family, who is / was your biggest inspiration?
Adele. She is undoubtedly a lyrical, musical genius. But it’s her authenticity, her resolve to do things her way and unwillingness to conform to social norms that is the inspiration for me. I love how she goes against the grain in everything she does.
From her image, to getting pregnant at the height of her fame and taking time out to raise her child, from her elusiveness to her radical honesty in interviews. I so admire the way she stays true to herself and I find her authenticity refreshingly inspirational.
Tell us something nobody knows about you…
If I told you, then everyone would know.

What’s your favourite item of clothing – and what does it mean to you?
I still wear my UCL hoodie from my uni days. And I still sleep in my UCL T-shirt. Perhaps it’s more for sentimental reasons and comfort than anything else. I loved my time at UCL. In those years, I went from child to adult. Maybe that’s what I’m holding on to, like the remnants of a cocoon.
Favourite accessory – watch / jewellery / etc – and why is it special to you?
I’m not big into jewellery or accessories and I’m prone to losing them. I am usually wearing a cap though, as I always try to keep the sun off of my face.
I had a Dallas Cowboys snapback cap I bought at a gas station on a meaningful trip to LA years ago. I wore it all the time. It wasn’t an affiliation to the Cowboys, I just liked the colours! But sadly, I left it at a friend’s house recently and her dog chewed it up. It’s since been replaced by LA Dodgers.
What's your biggest style disaster?
I don’t want to draw attention to the photos in question so I won’t mention the event. It was early on in my career. One of my first red carpets. I had no idea about stylists, make-up artists or the like. So I bought a floor length dress myself a from TK Maxx and was so impressed at my coup.
On the night, I was coming straight from rehearsals. I put my hair in rollers during rehearsals and I did my make up in the back of a taxi, in the dark. I stumbled out of the car, straight into the sea of photographers. I saw everyone else wearing cute cocktail dresses and I looked like an overdressed wedding crasher. This is over 10 years ago and I still shudder at the images.
Is there an item you threw away – or lost – that you really miss?
Yes, quite a few items. I have gone through some severe Marie Kondo moments in my life where I threw out a lot of my belongings with great zeal, only to either regret them later or need to buy replacements. I am all for a minimalist life but clear outs should not be carried out during times of emotional turbulence!
What’s next on your shopping list?
I just splurged on the CREED Aventus perfume that I had been eyeing up for ages. I haven’t figured out what’s next yet but I smell absolutely glorious.
What would you buy if money was no object?
All the CREED perfumes.
Red Eye will be premiering on ITV at 9pm on Sunday, 21st April.