Loosen that belt buckle... the STK Roast has landed in London

Swallow your patriotic pride – and some delicious cuts of rib eye. STK London has given the Sunday roast a transatlantic twist in typically American-sized portions. You're gonna need a bigger plate 

Americans – is nothing sacred?

Not content with bastardising our lexicon and remaking our best TV shows (hands off Peep Show), our transatlantic cousins have gone after that most sacred of British institutions – the Sunday roast.

Reach for the smelling salts: STK London has launched the STK Roast, an Americanised twist on the only meal to rival fish and chips as Britain’s foremost culinary contribution to the world.

And here’s the kicker: it’s pretty bloody great.

But then how could it not be, constructed around generous cuts of New York rib eye, cooked with the type of expertise that has seen the STK brand become a global institution with outlets from Atlanta to Ibiza?

The Giant Empire State Pudding looks like a spaceship, like something the Rebels have to blow up

Uncle Sam brings plenty more to the party, including parmesan fries, mac ‘n’ cheese, cornbread and – yes – even some vegetables. Oh, and both fries and mac ‘n’ cheese come with truffle – because those new year’s resolutions can go to hell.

“What of the Yorkshire pudding?” I hear you cry. “Is there Yorkshire pudding?” Yes, there’s Yorkshire pudding, and then more Yorkshire pudding, and then extra Yorkshire pudding on top of that.

I’m referring to what STK describes as the Giant Empire State Pudding, a serving of Yorkshire so gigantic I can only assume it’s attempting to break some type of record. It looks like a spaceship, like something the Rebels have to blow up. And there’s two of it – well, Americans aren’t renowned for small portions.

Indeed so super sized is the meal that I’m told by our waitress no diners have ever actually finished the whole thing. Despite several comfort breaks – and bringing along a personal trainer as my dining companion, a man who’d see off Desperate Dan in an eating contest – I’m afraid to say we also fell short. Perhaps you, bold reader, will do better – you should certainly enjoy the attempt.

STK London, 336-337 Strand, London WC2R 1HA; 020 7395 3450. Book a table now.

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