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How to build your biceps
Want to work on your guns? Max Bridger, co-founder of LDN Muscle, explains the secret to bigger arms

Utilise the full range of motion allowed at the elbow. This will allow you to place more of the bicep muscles under tension, while performing safe, proper technique.

Hit the right weekly volume. What works for a YouTube star may not work for you. Aim for 40-70 reps in a session two-to-three times per week, with at least 48 hours between training biceps.

Increase the weight you lift over time. This will help increase your total volume weekly, and help you build muscle size as you force the muscles to grow and adapt. Less reps with a heavier weight but more often will allow for better technique.

Eat enough calories to grow. You may gain some muscle size in a cutting/fat loss phase, but if you are concerned with building the size of your arms or body in general, then you need to be supplying it with enough energy. A (slight) caloric surplus teamed with hitting the right total volume and using a challenging weight will allow you to achieve this.

Exercise variation is important, but so is consistency. If you find that you achieve more from barbell curls and hammer curls over more complicated exercises like Zottman curls or plate curls, then you needn’t vary exercises too much for the results you’re after.