OK, so you remember Me And My London?
Cool people told us a bit about themselves and a bit about their London – favourite pub, date spot, etc. It was a fun feature, but events have overtaken it somewhat.
Therefore, until the current situation is resolved, Me And My London is being replaced by Me And My Lockdown. Same format, slightly revised questions. A reminder that A) we're all in this together, and B) better days will come.
Kicking off this sort-of-new series is Scottish actor and big football fan Kevin Guthrie.
The Dalai Lama is a strong choice... you'll see what we mean when you get there.
My life...
What upcoming project(s) are you most excited about?
I'm most excited to see the response to The English Game, series 1, available on Netflix from Friday March 20. It was an incredible experience, as a football fan and a lover of a good period drama, I guess it takes all the boxes!
What is your proudest professional accomplishment?
I had a real pinch me moment when I worked with three of my heroes in the one year – James McAvoy, Robert Carlyle and Peter Mullan. Those three guys were the reason I got into acting and to work with them was a very special thing for me.
If you could change one thing about your career, what would it be?
I don't think I'd change a whole lot – I'm very lucky to be in the position I am currently and changing some of the past way well change where I am now...so I'm good, I reckon I'll stick with where I am at and be grateful!
What do you hope to achieve that you haven’t yet?
I'd love to direct my own film, that will be a pretty awesome gig.
Outside of your family, who is / was your biggest inspiration?
My best mate is an actor – who is doing exceptionally well at the minute. He not only inspires me to be the best I can be in every role as an actor, but he inspires me to be the best Man I can be. He lives his life in a rare and special way, he's pretty old school and inspires me to do something similar.
Tell us something nobody knows about you…
I am ambidextrous. When I was first at school I started writing with my left hand, I'd get so far along the page and then swap the pencil into my right hand. I remember being asked to choose a hand to write with and … thankfully I chose my left hand!
My Lockdown
How are you finding lockdown?
I’m not going to lie the first couple of days have been a bit surreal. I get itchy feet at being in too long at the best of times so this will be really good for my imagination!
Equally though, it’s a tiny little sacrifice (if we can even call it that) for all the incredible NHS Staff and Workers who are doing the most amazing job presently under conditions they have never experienced before. THANK YOU!!
Best thing about lockdown?
Creating inventive and imaginative new ways to keep ‘active’ inside, beyond the once daily outing around the park. That and also being creative about what you can do with friends/family over video chat – we’re trying to construct a version of e-monopoly...
Worst thing about lockdown?
Genuinely wanting to help and volunteer balanced with not over committing and therefore putting unnecessary stress on the NHS and the numbers.
Top tip for surviving lockdown?
Living in a flat I would advise to compartmentalise and make use of your entire living space: Don’t do everything in the living room or from the sofa. Work out in the hall, read a book in the bedroom, take a call in the loo!?! (I jest.)
If you could be locked down with one person, alive or dead, who would it be?
I’m going down the ‘famous person route’ (I’d happily be locked down with my nearest and dearest until the end of the pandemic) – THE DALAI LAMA. For very obvious reasons during a time like this. Just Breathe.
What are you most looking forward to doing once lockdown is over?
Embracing to the fullness all the little things I took for granted before ‘lockdown’ ever became a thing, like daily run to the bakers (amazing sourdough bread!)...and playing footy!!
The English Game is currently on Netflix