Click through the gallery above to read about the ultimate Star Wars fans
The world's most dedicated Star Wars fans
Yes, we're all very excited for the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but are you as hyped-up as these dedicated super fans? Er, probably not…

Dave Oldbury
Dave Oldbury has spent more than £150k on his Star Wars collection, travelling the world to collect almost 9,000 cast and crew autographs. He's even inked himself up with tattoos of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader. Last month, he advertised his house/Star Wars shrine on Homestay, offering fans the chance to meet him and rest their head alongside toys, posters, action figures, books and life-size Storm Troopers. Brilliant or deeply terrifying? We can't decide.
Rex Features

Colby Powell
Dressing up as Darth for Halloween was way too lame a Star Wars reference for Colby Powell and his family. Instead, he decided to embrace the dark side wholeheartedly by building a huge light-up Death Star above his house to impress trick-or-treaters. Powell took three weeks to build the 23-ft Death Star from PVC pipes and parachutes, and it's drawn so much attention from neighbours and passers-by that he's decided to leave it up until the release of The Force Awakens. If you're keen to see it for yourself, you'll need to get yourself to a galaxy far, far away. Well, Lafayette in California, to be more precise.

Fans in Hollywood
When fans heard that Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was coming out back in 2005, they decided to line up outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood nice and early – a full seven weeks before the film's release date. Nothing wrong with being keen, but these fans weren't the brightest: Grauman's wasn't scheduled to show the film and had no intention of ever doing so. The mistrusting fans refused to accept the news, and continued to queue outside the cinema until they were eventually herded off and guided to another cinema a mile down the road to watch the film there.